My books

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I said a hip to blog hop and you don't stop

I've never done a blog hop before but when the lovely Steph Nuss asked me I thought I'd give it a whirly whirl. So in the spirit of getting to know other indie authors and me here goes.

 1. What am I working on?

I am currently working on book 3 in the ADIB series. It's currently untitled as titles usually come to me closer to the end of the story. ADIB is about vampires, something I'm a bit gaga over. I've watched every vampire movie made. Some are better than othera (James Wood I'm looking at you). And if I do say so myself the third one is shaping up to be my favorite. It should be out October 31. O_o

 2. How does my work differ from others in this genre?

 That's a tough one. I'm gonna come back to this because I've never been good at seeing the forest for the trees so to speak.

 3. Why do I write what I do?

 Although this series is vampire based most of my stories have a paranormal element involved in the romance. I won't lie I'm obsessed with things that deviate from the norm. Werewolves, witches, vampires, ghosts, aliens, big foot, all of it fascinates me. It's as far from reality as you can get which is why I like to write about it. I want to make the fantasy feel as real as possible.

 4. How does your writing process work?

 BUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Process would imply there's some sort of method to my madness. There isn't, all there is is a lot of Coke Zero, pickles and dark chocolate, me and my computer. Thank you


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