My books

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A teaser

I thought since I've been so wrapped up in In Death's Touch I'd post a little teaser to wet your appetite, or at least let you know why I've been absent.

Now, I'm also reminding you that In Death's Touch will be available on 2-14-14.
Just wanted to tell you a little about what's been going on and why I've been so quiet. First I've been getting book 2 of ADIB series ready since it comes out on February 14 (WOOHOO!!!) and then I'll be doing a blog tour at the end of February (getting a bit nervous there). I've also been in a writing cave trying to get a short novella together for a box set collaboration with a few other Indie authors (which I'm excited about).

And finally, I, along with a some very awesome Indie authors started the I.R.A.C (Indie Romance Author Chicks). If you haven't heard about it, well, it's fricking awesome. GO check us out on Facebook.  Here's the link.
Indie Romance Author Chicks

First you may find a new book to read and second there are a ton of amazing giveaways going on, so go on now check it out. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Well, I'm as excited as I am nervous to let you all know I'm attending an indie author convention this October 16-19 in good old Phoenix. If you can make it I'd love to see you there. Of course I'll be bringing lots of good stuff for whoever comes up to my table.

I've also decided since Death's Touch is almost ready for human consumption and I'm super excited about this Indie author event, in honor of both I'm going to do a giveaway. Stay tuned and in the next couple of days I'll announce what I'm giving away.

OH MY GOD!!! I'm so excited I think I actually wet my pants a little. Sorry.

I hope I see you there!